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CarFree Challenge

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What is the CarFree Challenge?


The CarFree Challenge is goNewHavengo's annual, month-long event to support progress towards healthier transportation options by individuals and organizations. 


A Look Back

2019 Back to Cool: Fridays for a Car-Lite Future

The 2019 campaign was built off of  FridaysForFuture, an international student-led climate event, that invites schools, parents, students, teachers, and the general public to go car free or car-lite each Friday in September. Participants were encouraged to either carpool, bike, walk, or take the bus on those days. The Campaign also encouraged drivers to reduce their speed - “If You Have to Drive, Drive 25!” 


The Campaign - like previous goNHgo September CarFree Challenges - encouraged New Haven residents to explore transportation options that reduce greenhouse gas emissions, improve public health, and create safer streets.


2018 CarFree Challenge

The 2018 Challenge looked at the role that art and design play in creating effective alternative regional transportation networks.


Participants were rewarded for every sustainable trip they took during September, including telecommuting, walking, biking, car/vanpooling, and taking the bus or train (trips taken solely for exercise do not count).  We used CTrides Commuter Rewards (NuRide) to track trips taken, carbon dioxide emissions avoided, vehicle miles avoided, calories burned, and transportation costs saved. In addition to the deals and discounts users are eligible for through NuRide, goNewHavengo rewarded participants based on September results. Prizes were awarded to both individuals and organizations.


Launch Event at City Hall, Thursday, August 30,  11:30 am. Included a presentation of the You Can Get There From Here Map, which illustrates the range of healthy transportation options available to reach any part of the region. Also included Live! CarFree! street art installations and public street chalking on healthy transportation. The new map was installed in libraries, stores, and community organizations.


Transportation on Tap, Tuesday, September 11, 6-8pm. BAR. “Art & Motion; Exploring the Creative Connection between Commuting & Art"


Park(ing) Day Lunch-time Event at Grand Avenue "Urban Canopy" Parklet, Friday, September 21, 12 noon. In front of 379 Grand Avenue. The event  celebrated the anniversary of goNewHavengo Parklet Design Competition and Park(ing) Day.  There will be other Park(ing) Day installations throughout the city. Info here.


Yale faculty and staff offices competed for the most Live! Car-Free! Pledges. This year, the Yale Office of Sustainability rewarded the Yale office with the most pledges in the month of September with a delicious surprise. Yale University encouraged the use of active and shared transportation to reduce congestion and improve the environment.


Live CarFree Street Art Installations, at various locations throughout month.


Yale Office of Sustainability Scavenger Hunt and Live! CarFree! Pledge recruitment.  September 8-14.  Yale first years were introduced to living car-free during the annual Sustainability Scavenger Hunt. This helped them develop healthy and environmentally friendly habits for their time in New Haven.

What is the CarFree Challenge
Challenge Poster 2018-page-0.jpg

Past Results

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